Accommodating Resistance and Strength Training - The Muscle PhD

Accommodating Resistance and Strength Training

Accommodating Resistance and Strength Training


The increase in force production while using bands appears to lead to better strength gains than just using free weights alone when following a training program, especially for well-trained individuals.

How should you implement this? Start with about 60% of your 1RM, or a weight you can do for 10-12 reps. Add a band on each side and still try to hit 10-12 reps!

If you want to increase power production, start with about 40% of your 1RM on the bar, add a band on each side, and perform sets of 1-4 reps while moving the bar as fast as possible.

Source: Ataee, J., Koozehchian, M. S., Kreider, R. B., & Zuo, L. (2014). Effectiveness of accommodation and constant resistance training on maximal strength and power in trained athletes. PeerJ, 2, e441.

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